52 Love Letter to Mars : yazan khalili

Love Letter to Mars <2014>
Lecture performance and exhibition w/Lara Khaldi
Exhibition Artists: Dirar Kalash, Gerard Ortin, Maha Maamon, and Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries

Exhibited and performed:
-Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafi, Cairo 2013
-Of Love, Departures and Countering Defeats in Choleric Times. OCA. Oslo, 2014

The starting point of this project is a lecture performance that unfolds formally into various exhibition fragments. The performance is based on an exchange of letters between two earthly lovers and a fictional character named Waad, who left for Mars in the year 2024 and now plans to reside there for the rest of her life. Modern man has plundered Earth at a pace that has outstripped the planet’s capacity to support human life. In order to survive, Earth’s population begins to move to other planets in the third decade of the century.

https://www.yazankhalili.com:443/files/gimgs/th-50_Love letter to mars image_w.jpg

Maha Maamon video


Gerard Ortin

https://www.yazankhalili.com:443/files/gimgs/th-50_IMG_0331 copy.jpg

Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries


Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries